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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fine Dining

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

Went to this restaurant that is by all standards.......expensive and classy. In my opinion, this is Chinese food served in French portion and style.

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

A slice of peking roast duck to the left, prawn with something something in the middle and foie gras. It was....... erm..... fine dining.....

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

A soup that took 12 hours to prepare. Taste starchy but it was great with the Cong You Bing.

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

The lamb piece was awesome. There was not an inch of the pungent lamby smell that we would find in the hawker centres or some lousy restaurants.

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

High grade dory fish. It looked smaller than what it appears here. -_-

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

This little plate of beef cost a lot. The meat was succulent and soft. No chewing involved. It just melts in my mouth.

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

The noodle and mushrooms are but the grass to complement the abalone.

Dinner at Wei Zhi Lou

Yang Zhi Gan Lu. Heavens...............

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