You are a high-flier lawyer, on a fast-track route to partnership. You are earning big bucks. You are representing the whos and whos in the corporate world. What if you are also a prophet?
This show, which probably will not be shown in Singapore, not because it is prohibited, more likely or so it is not as well recognized like Lost or Desperate Housewives. None-the-less this is a show with a soul. There is a message that reaches out to people.
Eli Stone is that high-flier lawyer. However he begins seeing and hearing things. Hallucinations? Or a divine message? That is the struggle for a lawyer who is brought in an environment that demands hard, cold facts. He soon realised that these visions are a result of a brain aneurysm. Scientific enough. Visions due to some issues with the brain.
It wasn't as simple as he thought. He kept seeing things that he soon realized related to cases he is taking on. For example, he saw a dragon that terrorizes him. True enough, someone approached him to sue a Dr Agon for mal-practice.
It would seem like a comedy of a lawyer that sees stuff of divine nature and in the process makes a mockery of himself, when he actually dances and sings in the public. But as the shows go on, one would start to search deep within us of the soul that makes us. In the show, Eli Stone began to "live". From corporate clients, he started defending people that is of no significance to the big law firm he is in. Imagine asking Ernst & Young to help audit a hawker store. It is of that magnitude.
This show truly touched me on a personal level. Of faith, of friends, of family and of the simplicity in life. What we truly want? And are we asleep or living?
4.5 Stones out of 5!
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