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Friday, April 4, 2008


Seems like its becoming a visual tag to my name. Anti-Social. A middle-name if you would prefer. Kenneth Anti-Social Kong.....aka.....Kenneth A Kong. Like a locust invasion onto the helpless farmlands, the fields are swiftly destroyed within seconds. While I do agree that my actions may seem "anti-social", but the very truth is that I am not. If I am anti-social, I would not even be talking to people.

What does anti-socialism entails? General dislike of humanity and the avoidance of any contact with humanity. Hermit perhaps? Maybe it is the deep down phobia of human.

Could it be Xenophobia? I generally react in normalcy when faced with strangers or foreigners, of course, unless they wrap bombs to their bodies or look weird in a bad sense.

Could it be Venustraphobia? Yes, it could attribute to the fact that I am average looking. Hence the innate instinct to shy away from beautiful women. But alas, I have not seem any beautiful women yet.

Then it must be Sociophobia. But hey, I do go out and bask myself in the boisterous and madness of the crowded shopping centres. And I do have to interact with people to buy things, interact with my online friends when raiding dungeons or even interact with the security guard when I forgot to bring my condo pass.


Maybe it is my extreme hatred for humanity, constantly praying that Armageddon will arrive and the Rapture begins (fyi: there is no biblical source which points to any Raptures). The evilness of people in expressing their hypocrisies through portrayal of masqueraded goodness, by means of actions that totally contradicted to what they actually think. Seriously, I am part of this humanity that in susceptible to evil thoughts, evil actions and hypocrisies. Unlike other people, I repent for them. Day in, day out, I evaluate my actions for the day and decide whether to sleep in peace or guilt myself to nightmares. To be truthful, I love humanity. The small steps in evolution, have resulted in the Internet, Spacecrafts, World of Warcraft and the Desperate Housewives. I am thankful of it, especially since I am born in this era.

So what's the problem then? Why do some people tagged me the invisible title, "Anti-Social".

Perhaps the problem lies in them? Hey I am just speculating. I believe they are just speculating about me whether am I anti-social or not.

I think by not eating lunch together does not mean I am anti-social. It is just how I choose to express myself. I don't have to eat lunch together with my colleagues as proof my un-Anti-Socialness. Just like I don't have to get myself a girl-friend to proof that I am not gay.

I just enjoy making friends at my own pace and my way. I like to socialise in my own little way, albeit, seems strange and arcane to other people. To me, I enjoy making friends one by one, meaning, I like to get to know one person deeper before knowing another in a deeper manner. It takes time, but the friendship I build, as far as I know, last pretty long (winks at FY, CY and SB).

So the next time when you see me sitting alone by myself at a corner, eating my pathetic, albeit expensive, sandwich or potato salad, please don't label me as anti-social. I just socialise in a way different from you.

"So, let us not be blind to our differences - but let us also direct
attention to our common interests and to the means by which those
differences can be resolved." - John F. Kennedy

"If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity." - John F. Kennedy

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