This is a random thought that is currently on my mind. There is a heightened sense of urgency with regards to the brain drain issue. MM talked about it. SM talked about it. PM talked about it. The cabinet and parliament talked about it. It is still an issue not be relegated to the back-seat, even with the news of the escape of Mas something-Mat raging on now.
There were talks about the brightest kids not returning to Singapore after completing their overseas studies. They contributed their talents to helping other countries to grow intellectually and financially. Singapore, on the other hand, has to rely more and more on foreign "talents". With Singaporeans not as "
reproductive" as before, the nation faced a detrimental outlook of limited human resources. And with those brightest kids not returning, and ever lured by the "brighter" prospects of other countries, Singapore faced severe talent crunch.
With Baby bonuses and incentives failing to induce Singaporeans to get more "reproductive", the government dished out carrots after carrots to lure China and India nationals to Singapore. Of course, Singapore is trying to get as many "talents" in as possible, just that the mostly are from the above two mentioned countries.
Furthermore, in this peaceful times, generally, people will leave the running of the country to another people. For some, they would refuse to give up their current jobs, salaries and lifestyle, in exchange for a life being under constant public scrutiny. True, our ministers are among the best-paid, but the private sector pays even more.
Hence, in the future, in whose steady hands is Singapore being left to?
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