I felt really bothered and bad. The intense pressure imploding inwards. Is there no-one else I can whine and cry to? Feel like screaming. But I can't think of any avenue to do so. The morning's conversation started to stink in one way or another. But definitely stink. Am I over-sensitive to allow such to eat into me? I do not know.
Did I cut the conversation too abruptly? Or was I afraid of the possible distrust and unfair judgment that the other department practises. None-the-less, felt a heightened sense of fear. Adrenaline rush? Or simply mad? I don't know anymore. Have to think things through deeper.
Whatever I said carried certain responsibilities. Burden more likely. No longer can I just say what I think its ok. Have to think things through. Whine? Cut it out.
I just believe that there exist people who are out to malign people. To pepper stories and exaggerate the bads and leave out the truths. Now I truly understand Confucius' sayings about silence. The world would really be a great place to be in if people take the time to understand others first, rather than hear-say from others. Of Shakepearean sadness, Thy Tongue Kills Swifter than Thy Sword. I am very negative against such malicious talks. I don't like to participate in talks that judge people. Of course, I do judge. But it is after working and interacting with that person, then I judge. I am no saint. But to judge even before knowing who the person is? That is being unfair.
The only person I have done that recently, I admit, is to Edison Chan. I have condemned him.
Breaking News
Thursday, February 28, 2008
February 29th
A special date. A special day. It only occurs once in every 4 years, due to the rotatory behavior of the Earth. An extra of 0.2564 days each year adds to approximately 1 extra day every 4 years. The next one would in 2012. Wah, don't know what will I be.
Had a super heavy lunch. I didn't expect it. As usual, I wanted a light lunch, I think I had eaten some light snacks. Then Huixian smsed me that no-one eating lunch with her. So I went makan with her. At first just wanted to drink water, but I ta-boleh tahan, went to eat Tonkatsu set. Grrrrr.....
When I reached back to office. Meiling bought Salmon with Wasabi wrap. Its very nice! Oops, the main point is that, I have eaten half the wrap. -_-|||
That's the funny thing that happened to me on this day.... Haha... hopefully I will still blog on the 29th February 2012. See you there.
Had a super heavy lunch. I didn't expect it. As usual, I wanted a light lunch, I think I had eaten some light snacks. Then Huixian smsed me that no-one eating lunch with her. So I went makan with her. At first just wanted to drink water, but I ta-boleh tahan, went to eat Tonkatsu set. Grrrrr.....
When I reached back to office. Meiling bought Salmon with Wasabi wrap. Its very nice! Oops, the main point is that, I have eaten half the wrap. -_-|||
That's the funny thing that happened to me on this day.... Haha... hopefully I will still blog on the 29th February 2012. See you there.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Crying Washinton
Regardless of who is taking the Oath of the Office in Capitol come this January 20, 2009, he (Cain or Obama) or she (Hillary) will be inheriting a messy economy with deep fundamental chasms. There will cheers and congratulatory speeches but only for a short 10 seconds, because for the next 3 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 49 seconds, the 44th President of the United States of America will have to spend all of his or her effort to rally a fledging economy and to unite a disillusioned nation.
Just as the Revelation pointed to stark reminders of the end-days, the warning signs of a financial meltdown are everywhere. The temporary relief we had this year is perhaps the last breath that the economy will take before plunging back to the deep abyss.
I came across an article (Financial Times, Martin Wolf) in which the author pointed out 12 steps to a impending financial disaster, which has spiraled out of the recent subprime crisis. I will just point out what I have read and my views. The steps are of Martin Wolf's views.
1. Due to the depressed property and the near collapse of confidence of the consumer, house prices will fall by an average of 25%, wiping out the household wealth of up to SG$ 84 trillion. Mind you, it is in trillions. This will represent an amount of money not diverted to productive use in terms of expanding the economy. This massive loss of the economic pie will take at least a decade to recover.
2. As confidence level dipped further, the subprime mortgages will drag more people and banks to the graves. An estimated SG$560 will be written off later this period.
3. With the above 2 major forces at work, a widespread credit defaults will rage like bush-fire.
4. Monoline insurers will have to be foreced to downgrade their ratings from AAA.
5. The commerical property market is expected to face severe pressure. The author described it as a meltdown.
6. Banks will run and be bankrupted.
7. Big losses on reckless buyouts by the corporates. Hence, the raging bush-fire now spread from the property market to the banks and now to the rest of the corporate world.
8. It is expected that with the big losses, a wave of corporate defaults will join the already raging credit defaults.
9. Total meltdown of the "Shadow Financial System" is anticipated. This Shadow Financial System is named due to the dodgy and often -complex nature of hedge funds, derivatives and special investment vehicles. The pain is exacerbated by the fact that companies cannot borrow any more money at reasonable rates nor can they seek help from the central bank.
10. Collapse of the already weaken stock market. Total loss of confidence in the financial institutions.
11. Drying of liquidity, as people refused to invest in the financial market. Vicious cycle of lower liquidity, lower investment and lower income.
12. Onset of "Vicious circle of losses, capital reduction, credit contraction, forced liquidation and fire sales of assets at below fundamental prices."
Just as no one can raise his hand to stop an approaching tornado or beg an earthquake away, Chairman Bernanke and his team cannot stop the inevitable from happening.
Firstly, the US monetary easing is constrained by risks to the greenback and inflation.
Secondly, aggressive easing of deals will only encourage illiquidity, not solvency.
Thirdly, the monoline insurers will lose their credit ratings with dire consequences. At this point, what is the big deal about monoline insurers? They represent the bond market. They guarantee the timely repayment of principal and the interest. Should their rating be downgraded, the implication is the corresponding downgrade of all the bonds they represent, in the process wiping out billions of dollars on the face value. Bonds are supposed to be the most secured form of investment instrument, with the downgrades of rating, it will drag the value down. This in turn represents the overall loss of confidence of the people in the financial market.
Fourthly, SWFs like GIC or from the Middle Eastern countries could not contain the fall out. GIC can't always buy into other banks as readily as it has for Citigroup.
Fifthly, internally, the US government has little maneuvering space to stablise anything.
Of course, the last resort that the US government can fall back on is the bear all of the losses, to allow for the precious tax income to be used to offset the losses, and for generations of Americans to shoulder the debt. Let's not forget about the pensioner pressure, the gapping national debt and the ever-burgeoning trade deficits.
Hence, in January 20, 2009, on top of Capitol Hill, may the next President of the United States of America add "God Bless America" to his or her Oath of the Office.
Dilemma of the 60 cents
A colleague of mine has spent her last few "people's currency" in a land far far away. Hence, through the miraculous world of a supersonic communication, words of her dire situation reached my eyes from a thousand li away. Together with my other friends in her team, she requested me to send them money.
A little side track... Chinese attributed our fortune to.....No. 1 Life, No. 2 Luck, No. 3 Fengshui, No. Accumulate Good Deeds and No. 5 Study..... They believe that you pretty cant really change your life and the environment you are born in. Some have it great, billionaire at birth while some are slaves. Some are naturally happy and optimistic while some are depressed at every little things. Even so, the second factor would be luck. If you are lucky, opportunities will come your way regardless of what your life is. If you are unlucky, then you might choke even if you eat tofu. Ok, even if your life and luck sucks, you still have fengshui to fall back on. The place where you live can influence your life. Contrary to what people believe, fengshui is NOT about superstition, its about the environment and how it will influence our health and mentality. When all these fails, you will need to accumulate good deeds. Help others to help yourself, at least, even if you lost everything, you still have a goal in life to help others. Finally, education. Chinese, in fact look around our region, South Koreans and Japanese, all looked to education as a ladder to climb out of the poverty and to break into another dimension of life.
Ok, back to my dilemma. I was to change 600 singapore dollar to renminbi. The money-changer asked for another 60 cents to top the renminbi to 3030. Now the dilemma comes, do I still ask for the 60 cents? Ha. I can't believe I let this little issue bothered me for the day. ~.~|||
A little side track... Chinese attributed our fortune to.....No. 1 Life, No. 2 Luck, No. 3 Fengshui, No. Accumulate Good Deeds and No. 5 Study..... They believe that you pretty cant really change your life and the environment you are born in. Some have it great, billionaire at birth while some are slaves. Some are naturally happy and optimistic while some are depressed at every little things. Even so, the second factor would be luck. If you are lucky, opportunities will come your way regardless of what your life is. If you are unlucky, then you might choke even if you eat tofu. Ok, even if your life and luck sucks, you still have fengshui to fall back on. The place where you live can influence your life. Contrary to what people believe, fengshui is NOT about superstition, its about the environment and how it will influence our health and mentality. When all these fails, you will need to accumulate good deeds. Help others to help yourself, at least, even if you lost everything, you still have a goal in life to help others. Finally, education. Chinese, in fact look around our region, South Koreans and Japanese, all looked to education as a ladder to climb out of the poverty and to break into another dimension of life.
Ok, back to my dilemma. I was to change 600 singapore dollar to renminbi. The money-changer asked for another 60 cents to top the renminbi to 3030. Now the dilemma comes, do I still ask for the 60 cents? Ha. I can't believe I let this little issue bothered me for the day. ~.~|||
Sunday, February 24, 2008
What's your apple?
I have a sudden urge to tear my room into pieces and to redeco it. I mean it. But ~~~sigh~~~ I can't find any axes nor sledge-hammers, so i slide back to my bed and typed this blog out. At least let me fulfill my fantasy online...... ~~~tear wells~~~
I just feel that Apple is part of me. By Apple, I would mean a Lifestyle of Apple, not merely the machines and iPods. I just feel disappointed that there no Apple Store in Singapore (iShop, Applecentre...etc doesn't count.....just like NTUC VS Walmart) and there is no iTunes here.
It has been awhile since I relied on Windows for my entertainment and lifestyle needs. Mac was all I need. I blog, I edit photos, I organize my songs and videos, I create videos, I surf net, I plan my day, I read email, I WoW, I watch shows and I Flock, Flickr and Facebook...all on my beloved iMac and Macbook.
I can sync data between these two babies. It just make my life easier.
A lifestyle.
More than that.
If you need a stable desktop for your computing needs..... iMac....get the 24 inch for the ultimate experience. This is the ultimate desktop. Fullstop.

I always like to lie on my bed and rot. Get a Macbook to rot with you...:D Mine is the black one. But I am salivating at the Macbook Air. Hehehe.......

Of course, for the travelers, this is the must-have of this year. So thin. Although there are many quirks to it, but I think I will get the second generation. Let Apple iron out the first-generation problems first.

And the must have device for music + video lovers like me is the slick and sophisticated iPod Touch.......Songs, Video, Notes, Calendar, Safari to surf net, Youtube programme. Hmmm....remind me that this is still an iPod.....

And for my wireless and back-up needs, this Time Capsule really captured my heart. Not only is this a 802.11n ~~~its n....not a, not b or g...~~~ and it has 1 T worth of memory. Scream please. I can now print wireless, back up wireless, retrieve my files wireless and download stuff at an amazing speed (disclaimer: of course its up to the speed of what you have subscribed from your ISP).
Of course, there is the much touted iPhone, but too bad its not in Singapore, neither is the iTunes and not much use for Apple TV (w/0 iTunes).....

I just feel that Apple is part of me. By Apple, I would mean a Lifestyle of Apple, not merely the machines and iPods. I just feel disappointed that there no Apple Store in Singapore (iShop, Applecentre...etc doesn't count.....just like NTUC VS Walmart) and there is no iTunes here.
It has been awhile since I relied on Windows for my entertainment and lifestyle needs. Mac was all I need. I blog, I edit photos, I organize my songs and videos, I create videos, I surf net, I plan my day, I read email, I WoW, I watch shows and I Flock, Flickr and Facebook...all on my beloved iMac and Macbook.
I can sync data between these two babies. It just make my life easier.
A lifestyle.
More than that.
If you need a stable desktop for your computing needs..... iMac....get the 24 inch for the ultimate experience. This is the ultimate desktop. Fullstop.

I always like to lie on my bed and rot. Get a Macbook to rot with you...:D Mine is the black one. But I am salivating at the Macbook Air. Hehehe.......

Of course, for the travelers, this is the must-have of this year. So thin. Although there are many quirks to it, but I think I will get the second generation. Let Apple iron out the first-generation problems first.

And the must have device for music + video lovers like me is the slick and sophisticated iPod Touch.......Songs, Video, Notes, Calendar, Safari to surf net, Youtube programme. Hmmm....remind me that this is still an iPod.....

And for my wireless and back-up needs, this Time Capsule really captured my heart. Not only is this a 802.11n ~~~its n....not a, not b or g...~~~ and it has 1 T worth of memory. Scream please. I can now print wireless, back up wireless, retrieve my files wireless and download stuff at an amazing speed (disclaimer: of course its up to the speed of what you have subscribed from your ISP).

Activated le
23rd Feb 2008. This was the day that my battle-group initiated a Technical Turnout. I should be in Guangzhou and I requested for deferment, none-the-less, the very efficient and synergised Army called me up. Might as well, since I am in Singapore. No need to worry so much about not turning up.
The in-pro took pretty long. I remembered there were 3 check-points. They could have reduced the time and lubricate the process. Them being them. ~~~shrug~~~ ~~~sigh~~~
Then the inspection took placed in a vehicle shed. It was a relatively fast one. They are smart in one aspect, they used an invisible ink to stamp on the inspected fieldpack, sbo and helmet. This is to make sure that we don't pass the inspected set to another person.
It was a fast one. I think it took less than 3 hours. The effective time was only like 1 hour. Them being them.
The in-pro took pretty long. I remembered there were 3 check-points. They could have reduced the time and lubricate the process. Them being them. ~~~shrug~~~ ~~~sigh~~~
Then the inspection took placed in a vehicle shed. It was a relatively fast one. They are smart in one aspect, they used an invisible ink to stamp on the inspected fieldpack, sbo and helmet. This is to make sure that we don't pass the inspected set to another person.
It was a fast one. I think it took less than 3 hours. The effective time was only like 1 hour. Them being them.
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Breather
Monday to Thursday was one of the few times I experienced what is working non-stop. With the AC meeting this Saturday, there were a few documents to prepare. I came to work at 8 am plus minus 4min...:D...really....
Then worked through Lunch.
Then worked till NITE!!! I know there are people who worked till 5-6am that kind, but to me, it's something I would like to experience. 吃的苦中苦。防伪人上人.
Finally today is Friday!!!! And they flew off le. Yey! ~~~~dance~~~~~
Then worked through Lunch.
Then worked till NITE!!! I know there are people who worked till 5-6am that kind, but to me, it's something I would like to experience. 吃的苦中苦。防伪人上人.
Finally today is Friday!!!! And they flew off le. Yey! ~~~~dance~~~~~
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Aiyozzzz, how come I forgot to update the 2 lines???? So paisei leh. Must focus. Must focus. Ha. Must be drink too less kopi le.
My Name
What Kenneth Kong Jin Quan Means |
![]() You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. People see you as a complete enigma, and only you truly understand who you are. You spend most of your time introspecting and seeking truth. You're a very interesting person... but not many people know you enough to realize it. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Monday, February 18, 2008
More presents
Met up with CY, FY & SB (in alphabetical order hor) on Sunday. CY just had his cell group gathering and met me directly below my house. Took a Cab to Marina Square. Mr FY was really late. Tsk tsk.
Really enjoyed their company. Just like the goodie oldie days. Makaned at Waraku. They gave me a Raoul wallet. TKS GUYS!!!! Then we chilled out at J CO. Hehe, SB then told us about J CO's story, the founder, etc. Chatted till around 10pm.
Met Jialin today for lunch. She gave me a tie from Dockers. TKS GAL! Then I treated her makan. Ha. I opened a prepayment first.
DR Prepayment - Lunch
CR Cash
Then when her Bday comes.
DR Bday Present Expense
CR Prepayment - Lunch
Hahahaha, I think I am MAD.....
Was looking though my previous entries about my B-day....15 Feb 2007 (incidentally written in May 2007...that's how "busy" I was) and 15 Feb 2006.
Really enjoyed their company. Just like the goodie oldie days. Makaned at Waraku. They gave me a Raoul wallet. TKS GUYS!!!! Then we chilled out at J CO. Hehe, SB then told us about J CO's story, the founder, etc. Chatted till around 10pm.
Met Jialin today for lunch. She gave me a tie from Dockers. TKS GAL! Then I treated her makan. Ha. I opened a prepayment first.
DR Prepayment - Lunch
CR Cash
Then when her Bday comes.
DR Bday Present Expense
CR Prepayment - Lunch
Hahahaha, I think I am MAD.....
Was looking though my previous entries about my B-day....15 Feb 2007 (incidentally written in May 2007...that's how "busy" I was) and 15 Feb 2006.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Feel like Jumping on CJ7
Well when all hope seem lost for the recent movies, I expected CJ7 to perk me up. After-all, with hits like Shaolin Soccer and KungFu Hustle, how wrong can CJ7 go. I was wrong. Yep, I know, Stephen himself said that this will be a different movie from what he has done. But the story-line is not that fantastic, neither is Sweeney Todd's storyline. The cinematic is great and the people can act well. However, similar to Ah-long Pte Ltd, the show failed to produce anyone memorable other than the leads. At least from KungFu Hustle, I believe most audience will clearly remember the Rental Lady.
Overall, 2 Lost Stephen out of 5.
Jumper was an alright movie. I like the special effects but there storyline is pretty weak.
Overall, 3 Jumpers out of 5.

Overall, 2 Lost Stephen out of 5.
Jumper was an alright movie. I like the special effects but there storyline is pretty weak.
Overall, 3 Jumpers out of 5.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
25th Anniversary
Quarter-life crisis...~.~....
Bleah~...dun care... Young at heart. After-all age is but an arbitrary concept set up to ensure a sense of order amidst chaos. I just see my life as starting. Why? After 24 years of studying and placed under protective shield, it is time for me to reach out to the world. Life presents itself a myriad of choices and of thousand faces.
The morning started great except for the stupid ulcer and dumb tummy. Reached my cosy place at around 8 am. Well wishes came streaming in via sms....tks ppl...
Then Zijun treated me a potato salad.

Hmmm. Raised eyebrows.
Random shots of 15 Feb.....

Nearing to the end of the day, the team celebrated the birthday of Janurians and Februarians. Wah so touched!!!!
The Cake. Mango de. One of my fave fruit.
Forgotten whose hands are those. Think its the same person who got me the Potato Salad...:D
Then in the night. Meet with Huixian and Derrick for dinner and movie (CJ7). Then chatted into the night until like 1 something.
Met Zijun, Khai~, Maine and Derrick on Saturday for breakfast. Din noe the breakfast at Cartel can be so cheap. They bought a cake for me also. So touched touched touched.
Shared with Flock - The Social Web Browser
Bleah~...dun care... Young at heart. After-all age is but an arbitrary concept set up to ensure a sense of order amidst chaos. I just see my life as starting. Why? After 24 years of studying and placed under protective shield, it is time for me to reach out to the world. Life presents itself a myriad of choices and of thousand faces.
The morning started great except for the stupid ulcer and dumb tummy. Reached my cosy place at around 8 am. Well wishes came streaming in via sms....tks ppl...
Then Zijun treated me a potato salad.

Hmmm. Raised eyebrows.
Random shots of 15 Feb.....

Nearing to the end of the day, the team celebrated the birthday of Janurians and Februarians. Wah so touched!!!!

The Cake. Mango de. One of my fave fruit.

Forgotten whose hands are those. Think its the same person who got me the Potato Salad...:D
Then in the night. Meet with Huixian and Derrick for dinner and movie (CJ7). Then chatted into the night until like 1 something.
Met Zijun, Khai~, Maine and Derrick on Saturday for breakfast. Din noe the breakfast at Cartel can be so cheap. They bought a cake for me also. So touched touched touched.

Shared with Flock - The Social Web Browser
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Sorrow
The cries of the wind slided through the corridor. The eerie morning golden shafts peeked sheepishly behind the darken clouds. The boy without a Valentine stood silently in front of the lift. With the stomach still sore from the wanton suffering and an ulcer painfully screaming for attention, the boy without a Valentine treaded quietly to work. The world was a noisy one. There was much hurt. The boy without a Valentine donned on his shield, a head-set connected to iPod Touch. The songs gave him a sense of false serenity. A world he created and refused to leave.
The gray locomotive fed itself senselessly to the ravenous City. A dangerous monster that fed endless on the misery of the people, the boy without a Valentine believed. The boy with Valentine then offered himself to the great god City, by allowing the Tower demon to swallow him. Interestingly, the Tower demon had a different type of digestive system. The boy without a Valentine went up the guts.
There he sat. A torture equipment perfected through the ages.
And the day went by reminding him that he is a boy without a Valentine.
The gray locomotive fed itself senselessly to the ravenous City. A dangerous monster that fed endless on the misery of the people, the boy without a Valentine believed. The boy with Valentine then offered himself to the great god City, by allowing the Tower demon to swallow him. Interestingly, the Tower demon had a different type of digestive system. The boy without a Valentine went up the guts.
There he sat. A torture equipment perfected through the ages.
And the day went by reminding him that he is a boy without a Valentine.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Taken 1/2 day MC yesterday. Stomach felt funny. In fact, it is super bloated. Taken another day of MC today. Want to rest well.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Morning Run and Evening Luck
Derrick dragged me out of the bed VERY early. We slept like 3 am in the morning lorz. The plan was actually to wake up at 6 am and run to Vivocity. And eat breakfast at Mac or something, then head back to my house to run Zul'Aman with the guys at 8 am. Sounds great. But we woke up at 7 something. Derrick rushed my tired body to brush up and leave house. Started jogging at around 7.30 am. Reached Vivocity...ok...near to Vivocity....at around 8.15 am. Took a cab back and was late for the raid, BECAUSE the taxi-driver took a huge detour to Tiong Bahru.....-_-|||
The Live Team managed to clear Karazhan, downing the Prince. And downed the Bear Boss. And we progressed onto the second boss, the Eagle Boss. Took him down to 7%, i.e., the second boss is the next on farm.......kekekeke.
In the late afternoon, we went to Kangni's house for our uni gathering. Happy to see Samantha, Yiting, Annies & Aaron, Apple & Kelvin. Poor Mingpei has to contribute to the workings of EY Otherwise, it is a full group for us.
Hehe, I managed to win like 50 dollars on blackjack. So lucky. With some Blackjacks and a grand finale which I was the banker and in my hands was 16 points, thinking that I wan to like let everyone also have some wins at the last round, I went straight to pick another card. The probability of bursting was high, yet, I gotten a 5. I eat all.
Spent half of it on cab fare. And maybe the other half on Potato Salad and Cafe Latte tml.
The Live Team managed to clear Karazhan, downing the Prince. And downed the Bear Boss. And we progressed onto the second boss, the Eagle Boss. Took him down to 7%, i.e., the second boss is the next on farm.......kekekeke.
In the late afternoon, we went to Kangni's house for our uni gathering. Happy to see Samantha, Yiting, Annies & Aaron, Apple & Kelvin. Poor Mingpei has to contribute to the workings of EY Otherwise, it is a full group for us.
Hehe, I managed to win like 50 dollars on blackjack. So lucky. With some Blackjacks and a grand finale which I was the banker and in my hands was 16 points, thinking that I wan to like let everyone also have some wins at the last round, I went straight to pick another card. The probability of bursting was high, yet, I gotten a 5. I eat all.
Spent half of it on cab fare. And maybe the other half on Potato Salad and Cafe Latte tml.
Ah-Long Pte Ltd
Did not reach expectation. If only this movie can be so easily summed up with these 4 words. The disappointment reaches beyond this 4 words. As much as I would like to enjoy the show as it is like "鬼啊!鬼啊!” or even like "Pleasure Factory", I cannot forgive my cinematic self if I should say I enjoyed it. True, this show was not as bad as the two I have mentioned, each given 0.3/5 and -2/5 movie reviews, but there is a tinge of pity. Afterall, I have waited a year for Jack's work. I really enjoyed "我们在政府部门的日子". To see the level of entertainment plunged to like that. Aiyo. SBJL leh. And the censors really did their part. OVERLY. There were so many censored parts that I believe accumulated to another movie by itself
Cinematic-wise was disappointing. The production seemed amateurish. I am not professing that I am an expert. In fact, a greenhorn I am. But just look at "我们在政府部门的日子" and this. Tell me the difference. Many it is the fact that this production involved too many foreign elements that somehow, diluted the true value of it.
As Jack said, he is sincere about bringing new stuff to the masses. So..... do I fault him?
Probably, a little.
Cinematics: 2 out of 5
Acting (excluding Lee Guo Huang's acting): 2 out of 5
Lee Guo Huang's acting: 3 out 5
Overall: 2 Loser Ah-longs out of 5
~~~I have much to say about this show. Stay tune for an update. I am getting ready to leave my house, hence the short introduction. ~~~
~~~Din bother to put up any movie posters here, because Jack din bother also.~~~
Cinematic-wise was disappointing. The production seemed amateurish. I am not professing that I am an expert. In fact, a greenhorn I am. But just look at "我们在政府部门的日子" and this. Tell me the difference. Many it is the fact that this production involved too many foreign elements that somehow, diluted the true value of it.
As Jack said, he is sincere about bringing new stuff to the masses. So..... do I fault him?
Probably, a little.
Cinematics: 2 out of 5
Acting (excluding Lee Guo Huang's acting): 2 out of 5
Lee Guo Huang's acting: 3 out 5
Overall: 2 Loser Ah-longs out of 5
~~~I have much to say about this show. Stay tune for an update. I am getting ready to leave my house, hence the short introduction. ~~~
~~~Din bother to put up any movie posters here, because Jack din bother also.~~~
Little stuff
Mr Sim has gotten himself a brand new lappy.
Its the latest product offering by HP and I think its great for the price. ~~~~Though its not as sleek, cool and hip as my beloved APPLE MACBOOKY. ~~~~ Grats Mr Sim for that new lappy...
There is a new Donut "life-style cafe" in town wor. <{~~~J Co Donut and Company~~~}>. ^^^Thanks Breadtalk for bringing J Co here!!!!^^^ There are so much more donuts than Donuts Factory and they taste nicer. Why nicer? Let my himbotic, bias-crazed self tell ya.
1. Donut Factory is getting too complacent. The service sucks. Pretty much. Even though its take away, the impression we get from the counter-staff is as important.
2. Eaten Donut Factory's donuts. Not as soft as before and not as Donuty Factortreei as before.
3. The limited product offering became stale. And seriously, I only eat 2 of their products. I get bored easily.
J Co has so much more to offer. Tiramisu, Peppermint, Oreo............mostly my fave tastes.
Bye Donut Factory. Nice to know you. Queue? Nah. Not for you.
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Its the latest product offering by HP and I think its great for the price. ~~~~Though its not as sleek, cool and hip as my beloved APPLE MACBOOKY. ~~~~ Grats Mr Sim for that new lappy...
There is a new Donut "life-style cafe" in town wor. <{~~~J Co Donut and Company~~~}>. ^^^Thanks Breadtalk for bringing J Co here!!!!^^^ There are so much more donuts than Donuts Factory and they taste nicer. Why nicer? Let my himbotic, bias-crazed self tell ya.
1. Donut Factory is getting too complacent. The service sucks. Pretty much. Even though its take away, the impression we get from the counter-staff is as important.
2. Eaten Donut Factory's donuts. Not as soft as before and not as Donuty Factortreei as before.
3. The limited product offering became stale. And seriously, I only eat 2 of their products. I get bored easily.

J Co has so much more to offer. Tiramisu, Peppermint, Oreo............mostly my fave tastes.

Bye Donut Factory. Nice to know you. Queue? Nah. Not for you.
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Friday, February 8, 2008
Sweeny Todd dancing to the tune of KUNGFU Dunk
Sweeney Todd should be the first movie for me in the year 2008. It is the latest offering by Tim Burton and I must say, I really enjoyed it. Johnny Depp has brought Sweeney Todd alive and together with Tim Burton's cinematic and directorship, this musical is eerily alive. The use of gray color mostly throughout the show brought a sense of misery and a surreal effect of gloom and dread.
The theatrical flow excites my emotions. The gore is all but a leaf to twinkle the beauty of the flower. Beneath it all, the story was simple. About revenge. About a villain that tore a family apart. About a young man yearning for his love and to take her away to be with him. About a mission to rid the city of evils by using people as fillings for pies. The movie was simply an art to be appreciated. The backdrops, the props, the acting, the dark humor, the morals.
Cinematics: 5 out of 5
Acting: 3.5 out of 5
Overall: 4 Human Meat Pies out of 5
Kungfu Dunk is another movie that I supposed focused too much on Jay Chou. Even Curse of the Golden Flower did not reach such a level of fervent. It was jay chou, jay chou, jay chou and more jay chou. The handling of the story was bad. Stinky bad. The scriptwriters simply forgotten about that its a MOVIE not a documentary on Jay Chou. Not that I have anything against Jay. I love his songs. But, man, respect the movie-goers please, although I have a strong feeling that the Kungfu Dunk-goers watch the movie only for Jay Chou. Which made perfect sense, since 90% of the screen time is on Jay. All the big names in the show like Kenneth Tsang, Meng Da Hua, Jacky Wu, are but nice vases.
There ain't much to comment about the show. To me, its a documentary about Jay Chou and his fantasy on playing basketball with Kungfu.
Cinematic: 2 of 5
Acting: 2 of 5
Overall: 2 Jays out of 5
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The theatrical flow excites my emotions. The gore is all but a leaf to twinkle the beauty of the flower. Beneath it all, the story was simple. About revenge. About a villain that tore a family apart. About a young man yearning for his love and to take her away to be with him. About a mission to rid the city of evils by using people as fillings for pies. The movie was simply an art to be appreciated. The backdrops, the props, the acting, the dark humor, the morals.
Cinematics: 5 out of 5
Acting: 3.5 out of 5
Overall: 4 Human Meat Pies out of 5
Kungfu Dunk is another movie that I supposed focused too much on Jay Chou. Even Curse of the Golden Flower did not reach such a level of fervent. It was jay chou, jay chou, jay chou and more jay chou. The handling of the story was bad. Stinky bad. The scriptwriters simply forgotten about that its a MOVIE not a documentary on Jay Chou. Not that I have anything against Jay. I love his songs. But, man, respect the movie-goers please, although I have a strong feeling that the Kungfu Dunk-goers watch the movie only for Jay Chou. Which made perfect sense, since 90% of the screen time is on Jay. All the big names in the show like Kenneth Tsang, Meng Da Hua, Jacky Wu, are but nice vases.

There ain't much to comment about the show. To me, its a documentary about Jay Chou and his fantasy on playing basketball with Kungfu.
Cinematic: 2 of 5
Acting: 2 of 5
Overall: 2 Jays out of 5
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The New Year started with me waking up at 7.30 am. Tried to head back to the sack but....gave up and went to fiddle with my computer at 8 am. Felt relaxed. No need to go to work. Bestestest.
Then headed to grandfather's there and pray to the year. -_-||| okok go there and 拜年. Then the family, uncles, aunts and cousins, went to eat Pizza Hut. Not much of a choice since most chinese restaurant will be closed for the day. After that my family, the four of us, went to my mum's mum's place.
Met Derrick for movie and dinner. Caught Kungfu Dunk. So-so.
Then headed to grandfather's there and pray to the year. -_-||| okok go there and 拜年. Then the family, uncles, aunts and cousins, went to eat Pizza Hut. Not much of a choice since most chinese restaurant will be closed for the day. After that my family, the four of us, went to my mum's mum's place.
Met Derrick for movie and dinner. Caught Kungfu Dunk. So-so.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year
Went to Raffles City's Esprit and bought some new clothes to wear. 3 tops and one pants and new underwears....ALL for S$262. And I gotten myself a new Esprit members card. Then headed to Serangoon Jumbo to have the reunion dinner. It was great to see everyone there. The restaurant was too crowded and the food served at an erratic rate.
After that, the whole family, the 13 of us went to swamp Swenson in Thomson Plaza. A few Giant Earthquakes, Chocolate fondues and ice-creamssssssss. Sinful sinful sinful.
Then it was to the Flower Bazaar. Can't believe how expensive the flowers were. ~~shrug~~
It was a traditional chinese new year spent the wholesome way......:)
After that, the whole family, the 13 of us went to swamp Swenson in Thomson Plaza. A few Giant Earthquakes, Chocolate fondues and ice-creamssssssss. Sinful sinful sinful.
Then it was to the Flower Bazaar. Can't believe how expensive the flowers were. ~~shrug~~
It was a traditional chinese new year spent the wholesome way......:)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hello 2008
This post came a bit late as this is already the 5th day of February. Yes, this will be my second blog after Yinyangme&u . Verily, it suddenly dawn on that I should have an archive of blogs. For example, except for Yinyangme&u, every year, I will create a new blog with a new favor and name it with kenornot2008, kenornot2009, etc.
Of course, there is this other blog that I maintain much. Secret child. Tsk tsk.
Things were in proper order since I started working in Ernst & Young. I enjoyed the nature of my job and the camaraderie among my team mates. The IPO team presented many challenges and the fun & enjoyment that comes along with the package.
{Recap}....(-_-|||...addicted to WP documentation le.)
1. Went over to help out in the Interims & Pre-finals of SNTE (I think its important to have some privacy here.) A great learning opportunity and my official first auditing job. I have truly benefited from the team and the job. Noted several issues that I must pepper my up with.

2. GFS presented a new career outlook for me. Sethu really helped a lot and offered me advices and of course, jokes he would play on his peers. The AOs treated me very well, in fact, I was taken aback by their friendliness. I never expected that.
3. The IPO team held several events like "环岛吃吃吃" and a Pre-peak/Christmas BBQ at Sharon's place.
4. Spent my New Year in Xiamen. This is super happy team. WIth QiQi in the helm, the team generally laughed our way throughout the 3 weeks.

I suppose I could attribute to Fate that I am in the IPO family. There will be ups and downs. Disappointments, happiness, enjoyment and sufferings. But this is Life. Hey. Ode to Life!
Of course, there is this other blog that I maintain much. Secret child. Tsk tsk.
Things were in proper order since I started working in Ernst & Young. I enjoyed the nature of my job and the camaraderie among my team mates. The IPO team presented many challenges and the fun & enjoyment that comes along with the package.
1. Went over to help out in the Interims & Pre-finals of SNTE (I think its important to have some privacy here.) A great learning opportunity and my official first auditing job. I have truly benefited from the team and the job. Noted several issues that I must pepper my up with.

2. GFS presented a new career outlook for me. Sethu really helped a lot and offered me advices and of course, jokes he would play on his peers. The AOs treated me very well, in fact, I was taken aback by their friendliness. I never expected that.
3. The IPO team held several events like "环岛吃吃吃" and a Pre-peak/Christmas BBQ at Sharon's place.
4. Spent my New Year in Xiamen. This is super happy team. WIth QiQi in the helm, the team generally laughed our way throughout the 3 weeks.

I suppose I could attribute to Fate that I am in the IPO family. There will be ups and downs. Disappointments, happiness, enjoyment and sufferings. But this is Life. Hey. Ode to Life!
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